Building a Gym? How to Find Used Gym Equipment For Sale

Find Used Gym Equipment For Sale
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Building a gym from scratch is a massive undertaking. Between rent, marketing, staff, build out, and gym equipment, it’s a good idea to save money wherever possible. Specifically, we will be taking a closer look at how used gym equipment can benefit your bottom line, as well as what you need, and what you don’t when starting your gym. 


With any resale product, you want to make sure that the used gym equipment for sale works before you buy it. 

If you’re a handy person and can make repairs, consider that and how much it will cost you before buying the used gym equipment. 

Another thing to look out for when buying used equipment is the average selling price. How much does it cost new, and how much are they selling it for in used condition? I

t’s wise to check online and see what other similar used gym equipment is being sold for, so you know if you’re getting a good deal or not. 

Small cosmetic repairs are totally worth the used equipment pricing. 

Things like– chipped paint, scuff marks, or squeaky hinges are easy fixes. However, if you’re not a great mechanic, stay clear of electrical equipment that needs total repairs or replaced parts.  

The cost of parts and labor can add up quickly on older machines. 


One way to find pieces of used gym equipment for sale is through Facebook Marketplace. There are new things being added to the site everyday from home gyms, and other gym businesses. Oftentimes you can get a great deal, or even free equipment if you keep a diligent eye on the postings. 

Another, often overlooked way to buy used gym equipment is from a failing gym. To do this, go to a site like, BizBuySell, and find gyms that are going under. Oftentimes when they cant find a buyer for the gym, they are willing to sell their used equipment at a discounted price so that they can liquidate their business. 

Sometimes you can also get lucky at a thrift store, yard sale, or sports equipment resale store. To get the best price on used commercial gym equipment, you may have to go on a bit of an adventure in your community.


Gym equipment tends to be built to withstand constant use, so most used gym equipment is still relatively valuable. On average a treadmill will last 7-10 years, strength machines can last up to 20 years, and barbells and weights can last a lifetime. (I think we’ve all walked into a gym and could guess the dumbbells were at least 30 years old)

How well used gym equipment maintains its value, heavily depends on how well it is maintained and treated. If you’ve seen the “please don’t slam weights’ ‘, or “please wipe down your machine” signs in a gym, it’s not just to be courteous, but it also adds to the longevity of the equipment. 


Let’s say you are just starting your gym and you want to keep your gym equipment costs as lean as possible – What are the most important pieces to start with? 

First, it will depend on what type of facility you are opening. A group fitness studio will need multiple of the same pieces, while a crossfit, powerlifting, or bodybuilding gym can get away with more diversity.

Lets begin with what equipment is most important for a group training facility. There are a lot of exercises that can be done with bodyweight, but it’s important to have enough dumbbells, kettlebells, or barbells for your whole class. A large group class can hold anywhere from 16-30 members so start with what you can afford, and as your classes grow, you can grow your equipment selection as well. 

If you are tight on space, cut out equipment that requires a large radius around each member such as jump ropes, battle ropes, and sled pushing. Some great equipment to have on hand that takes up minimal space for group training includes– resistance bands, small steps or benches, ankle weights, etc. 

For an open gym or big box model, members will expect the basic gym equipment including cardio machines, plenty of squat racks, a deadlift platform, cable machines, and dumbbells. Remember, as you open you will get plenty of feedback from your members on what gym equipment they would like to see, so save some of your budget for those pieces after you open.


One of the most important pieces of equipment you will need as a Gym Owner is a Gym Management Software. In order to run a healthy business it is crucial to know your metrics. GymDash makes it easy to input your stats and get live feedback on the health of your gym. Check it out at the button below. 



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