The Best Types of Fitness Classes, Ranked

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Best Types of Fitness Classes, Ranked


We’re breaking down the most beloved fitness classes, so that you can give your gym members the types of fitness classes that will keep them coming back. With so many options, this list should give you a good idea of what fitness classes to have in your gym.

As you grow, you can switch up the class schedule one class at a time to see what your members miss most, or what new types of group fitness classes they love to see.




Coming in at number one, the most sought after fitness class is yoga. Not surprisingly, yoga has been a staple exercise class since 2700 B.C, and it’s not going anywhere. 


To run a successful yoga class, it’s important to find a certified yoga instructor, and to have the proper equipment. Some things to consider including are; Yoga blocks, mats, and straps.


As a Gym Owner, there are many benefits to offering Yoga. For one, it takes up less space than a dance, H.I.I.T, Crossfit class, etc, so you can have more members per session. Yoga also has many benefits to the body and recovery, keeping your members in great shape to keep coming back.




If you’re looking for a challenging class to keep your members sore and sweating, high intensity interval training, or HIIT, is the type of fitness class you’ll want to promote. 


HIIT is a type of fitness class, where the goal is to alternate between high intensity cardio and short breaks of rest or lower intensity exercise. The goal of this type of fitness class is to get participants’ heart rate near their max, and burn as many calories as possible.


Although soreness isn’t a measure of the quality of a workout, HIIT classes are sure to leave your members feeling like they’ve pushed themselves.




There are a ton of different types of fitness classes to choose from, so there is an option for everyone. As humans we tend to get bored with exercise quickly, so these fun options can help increase your gym member retention as well.


Spin classes are a favorite type of fitness class for those who enjoy high energy group fitness classes. Between the loud music, flashing lights, and a high energy instructor, it’s hard to not feel like you’re at a rave. The downside to spin classes are the equipment costs, and the amount of space that the bikes take up.


Another fun type of fitness classes to include at your studio is dance or Zumba classes. For the general population, making exercise fun and less intimidating can be beneficial to increasing your member count. The best part is all you need is an open space, some upbeat music, and a super enthusiastic trainer to teach the class.




Strength training classes are important types of group fitness classes to offer. Strength training will give your members a foundation of muscle and endurance to keep them healthy and coming back. Members love variety in these types of group fitness classes, so switching up muscle groups weekly will be important.


It’s also important to have a certified trainer in these classes to make sure proper form is used to prevent injury.




If you are a studio owner running any of these classes, studio management software is essential to keeping your gym profitable and running smoothly. Check out GymDash for seamless data tracking, and real time updates on the health of your business.



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