
What can gym membership retention statistics from 2023 tell you about how to run your fitness business? Learn more about growth from Gym Owners.

Top Gym Membership Retention Statistics

Reading Time: 3 minutes 2023 Gym Membership Retention Statistics   As a boutique fitness studio owner, it’s important to keep a finger on the pulse of the industry.  Your EFTs, or recurring memberships, can make or break your small business. How do the latest gym membership statistics inform the choices you’re making while marketing your gym? The landscape of …

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A yoga studio owner smiles while leading a full yoga class

The Best Yoga Studio Data Tracking Software to Grow Your Studio

Reading Time: 3 minutes There’s nothing like walking into your yoga studio only to see students playing Tetris to squeeze in one more mat! A packed studio is a sign that your boutique fitness business is thriving.   If you’re struggling to attract new students, it can be hard to find your zen. That’s where our list of the …

The Best Yoga Studio Data Tracking Software to Grow Your Studio Read More »

In this article, we’re taking a look at if gym free trials are profitable for gyms, and how you can get more long term members in your facility.

Does a free gym trial actually work? What you need to know

Reading Time: 2 minutes Does a Free Gym Trial Actually Work? What You Need to Know   “Try it before you buy it” is a common philosophy in many industries, but is it the most effective way to grow your gym? In today’s article we will explore the most profitable method for acquiring new members into your gym and …

Does a free gym trial actually work? What you need to know Read More »

We've ranked the best dance studio management software to help dance studio owners find tools to grow their businesses, bring in new students, and thrive.

Best Dance Studio Management Software’s For Growth

Reading Time: 3 minutes The Best Dance Studio Management Software for Growth: Our Top Picks   When you walk into a well-established fitness gym, you might admire the weights, equipment, and machines. It’s a little bit different in the dance world.   In order to succeed, boutique dance studio owners must fill their space with people! Marley, mirrors, and …

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Find Used Gym Equipment For Sale

Building a Gym? How to Find Used Gym Equipment For Sale

Reading Time: 3 minutes Building a gym from scratch is a massive undertaking. Between rent, marketing, staff, build out, and gym equipment, it’s a good idea to save money wherever possible. Specifically, we will be taking a closer look at how used gym equipment can benefit your bottom line, as well as what you need, and what you don’t …

Building a Gym? How to Find Used Gym Equipment For Sale Read More »

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